Mercedes restoration los angeles

About Mercedes Motoring
I grew up in Nevada next door to a Mercedes-Benz mechanic named Sheldon. Sometimes I’d sit on my BMX bike and watch him work. There’d be Sheldon buried halfway in an engine compartment going on-and-on about the immortality of the Mercedes-Benz diesel. Occasionally he’d pop up to see if I was still listening, and then plunge right back in.
15 or so years later, in the fall of 2003, I walked away from the corporate world after walking by a “For Sale” sign in Huntington Beach. It was a faded maple yellow 300SD for $700… Mercedes Motoring was born. I spent weeks bringing that car back to life-almost losing my mind one afternoon when the passenger seat refused to come out. Even though there was a challenging and humbling learning curve, I loved it. That car didn’t just teach me about Mercedes-Benz, it taught me to embrace a passion I had been toying with for years-my obsession with cars. My mother still sighs about my nine years of college to restore cars.
Today I own an entire shop dedicated to the mechanical restoration, interior rehabilitation, and historical preservation of Mercedes-Benz. My team and I scour the world to find well-preserved, often exceedingly low mileage vehicles. Each car then undergoes an exhaustive and methodical refurbishment.
Upon completion, the net effect will be a prize possession for the collector, the curious multi-vehicle owner or the consumer wise enough to recognize that a classic Mercedes-Benz can be your daily driver for vastly less than a common current vehicle.